Terms and Conditions

The KC freedom Forum is intended to provide an atmosphere of open communication, where each member can share his or her own insights and opinions.

To help achieve this goal here is the User Agreement 

By entering you agree to the following:
  1. Not to enter any text expressing views of a religious or political nature.
  2. That entries are truly relevant to the discussion group and do not offer opinions on medical competence in any way.
  3. The KC Freedom Forum collectively known as "The Global Keratoconus Freedom Group", "the forum", "the website", "we", "our", "us", does not accept any responsibility for the content of the discussion group or endorse any advice contained therein.
  4. That any non relevant or unacceptable entries may be edited or removed.
  5. We reserves all rights in respect of the text entered and to these conditions.

By using this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions

Please review the terms of use carefully

The content on this website is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.

The materials contained on this forum, or on any present interactive resources, unified communications and mobilized wireless platforms, are of an educational or informational nature. The content or any materials contained within should be considered as having not been reviewed, written, revised, or approved by any individual with formal medical qualifications. The content is not medical advice or diagnosis.

The forum as a host to subscribers does not practice medicine or give medical advice or diagnosis or treatment of any kind. The forum as a subscriber host assumes no responsibility for the content on this website. The materials on this website may contain inaccuracies or other forms of errors. By using this forum, any reliance on any opinion, advice statement, link or information on this forum, is solely at your own risk.

The forum may contain content provided by third parties. Any opinions, advice, statements or other information expressed or made available as content provided by third parties are not those of the forum. The forum does not in any way guarantee that they will be accurate or appropriate.

The forum grows freely to eliminate Keratoconus as a health issue, for which the forum takes a life of its own, and as a subscribers host it does not recommend or endorse any ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician, contact lens, surgical treatment option or any other medical treatment which are outside of our remit.

The forum is not a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis. All User(s) of this forum agree to the above terms and also agree not to hold the hosting of subscribers responsible for any of the articles or procedures seen and discussed on our forum. You agree that the forum is a sum of its parts, and does not endorse any procedure or professional mentioned on this site, and in any single communication made, may not be supported, written, or endorsed by any person with formal medical qualifications. The forum as a subscriber host will not be held responsible for any complications that could arise from procedures mentioned on our forum. Any decisions made are the responsibility of the user(s) and should be made in accordance with your own medical care professionals.

Links to other websites are provided as a convenience to you and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the content on such websites. The forum is not responsible for the content of linked sites, and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on linked websites. Accessing linked websites is done at your own risk and is subject to their listed Terms and Conditions.

You agree to use the website, forum, and the content at your sole risk. You assume and accept full responsibility for all risk associated with any use or reliance upon the content. The forum assumes no liability for any decisions you or anyone with whom you share the content. Users under 18 must let their parent or guardian know about this site.

By entering the forum you also agree to the posting guidelines

The forum is intended to provide an atmosphere of open communication, where each member can share his or her own insights and opinions completely freely without hesitation and without any censorship (which is unprecedented) with regards to Keratoconus matters. To help achieve this goal, we ask that you:

  • Do not post libellous or illegal material.
  • Do not post harassing or discriminatory comments based on race, ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Do not solicit or advertise.
  • If you have questions or comments about this forum (such as technical difficulties or performance issues), please contact your forum administrator for the appropriate channel for your inquiry.


Any post that violates the above conditions, or departs from the intended purpose of this forum may be removed without notice by the administration.

We reserve the right to edit any post for reasons including, but not limited to: language, length, or content not appropriate to the topic of this forum.

Older threads or messages may be removed from time to time, to maintain categories or threads of manageable length.

Any member who breaches these Guidelines through hostile, abusive or other inappropriate behaviour may find their account privileges revoked.


Remember that this is a public forum, and you have no guarantee or expectation of privacy. Your post could be read by anyone.

Posts can be traced. We record information about every user of this forum, and will honor any court orders or requests by recognized law authorities for information about individuals posting libellous material.

All communications on this board are deemed to be public and not private communications.

We reserve the right to remove without notice any message posted for any reason, but we have no obligation to remove content you find objectionable.

Regarding your email address and other personal information

Although we require your email address for verification purposes, we recommend that you do not post it or any other personal information, such as phone numbers or your home address. Your posts can be searched by bots or third parties that have no affiliation with the administrators of this forum.