I am an ophthalmologist in private practice and have published findings suggesting very significant impact of vitamin D3 upon keratoconus in particular and corneal astigmatism and myopia in general.
'Abstract Serial observations obtained over more than eight years and 10,000 patient encounters in a general ophthalmology practice serving a population highly prone to chronic vitamin D (D3) deficiency, facilitated by the Oculus Pentacam Scheimpflug imaging system (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany), resulted in the recognition of consistent, predictable, and highly reproducible patterns of mechanical, optical, and physiologic change in the cornea and other ocular structures correlated to adequate vs. inadequate vitamin D availability. These patterns were identified from an analysis of more than 20,000 topographical and digital imaging studies, manifest refraction results, and other clinical ophthalmic exam findings recorded during patient visits. The main outcome measures included improved corneal and global optical quality and function, decreased ametropia, improved stability, and decreased subjective symptoms of compromised acuity and comfort. Adequate D3 replacement consistently yielded some degree of objective structural improvement in all subjects observed. The rate of improvement varied and synergistic interaction with cofactors was also suggested in particular topical steroids. A plausible explanation for the cause and mechanism of most myopia emerged and keratoconus, in particular, appears to be the extreme presentation of otherwise common corneal disturbances associated with inadequate vitamin D availability. Emmetropization mechanisms appear to awaken and reactivate with adequate D3. Intraocular pressure control likewise shows evidence of being vitamin D regulated and may play a significant interactive role in emmetropization and relief from ametropia. Ocular surface disease and inflammatory activity can be markedly alleviated in addition. As the findings are most readily appreciated via topographical map changes, a series of case reports are presented, selected from the mass of similar data, to illustrate specific aspects of these findings in the hope of inspiring controlled trials to better delineate their significance. Taken as a whole, these observations suggest the human eye may be profoundly dependent upon adequate vitamin D availability for many critical optical, structural, and physiologic properties. Myopia may represent the end result of adverse emmetropization feedback generated by low vitamin D-related irregular corneal astigmatism.'
Here is a link to the article, readily available in the online/free-access journal Cureus:
Hope this is of immediate help to you, and also hope it will lead to the controlled trials needed to fully define the role of vitamin D and optimize the dose/response understanding. To optimally supplement vitamin D, blood levels should be assessed and progress followed by your physician (biologically, the compound is ultimately of hormonal nature, in the steroid family in fact).
Kind regards,
Jim Mc.