These books are essential reading to assist in your (in practice) success.
Cornea, 2-Volume
Set, 5th Edition
Editors: Mark Mannis
and Edward Holland
The most comprehensive corneal disease manual is available
in its h edition. Additionally, surgical procedures are covered to understand
surgical co-management better.
Clinical Manual of
Contact Lenses, 5th Edition
Editors: Edward S.
Bennett and Vinita A. Henry
A classic among contact lens practitioners, this book covers
all modalities of contact lenses and is helpful for all aspects of Keratoconus management.
Editors: Luis
Izquierdo, Maria Henriquez, Mark Mannis Keratoconus, Elsevier, 2023, ISBN
This easy-to-read guide offers concise, practical clinical
guidance for early diagnosis and e‑ective management of Keratoconus.
Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
Editor: Jorge L. Alió. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
A comprehensive book focused exclusively on Keratoconus, covering imaging.